
Global Youth Awards 2018 UK Event Video

A snapshot of our incredible Global Youth Awards 2018 UK celebrating the extraordinary things that young people are doing to change the world - credits to Hasting Infinity Films https://www.youtube.com/user/hastings... and Platform Inspires https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGc...

Saying Goodbye to our Kingfisher Graduates

Very sad to say goodbye to this lovely lot of Kingfisher Graduates who we have taken on a two year development journey! What a brilliant bunch of awesome, inspiring and authentic human beings. Kingfisher you are lucky to have them. #Shine #Empower #Graduate

‘The programme will transform your perspective on life and what is possible - Superb! Tiffany and Tanith constantly challenge you in a way that is fun and engaging.’ Jamie Brown


Empowering Future Leaders in Riyadh

Incredible two days with a group of fantastic SAP Young Professionals in Riyadh delivering another successful Empower 2.0 programme. We have absolutely loved working with the latest all male team from Riyadh!


RoundTable Leadership Team

We were delighted to get some much needed head and group shots for the RoundTable Global Leadership team this week. Check out our full album on our facebook page, but here is the team


Mindfulness in Education

We had a fantastic day at The Houses of Parliament with Goldie Hawn and RTG Global Change Ambassador MP Tim Loughton yesterday for a discussion on the use of Mindfulness in schools and how it has changed one particular school in Wales from special measures to Ofsted good. This is a clear demonstration of how changing mindsets can alter reality and the importance of making mind, body and soul a focus for education.

It’s time to help the educators of the next generation to be authentic and fearless leaders so that they can teach our children to be the same!

Mindfulness Education_95.jpg

Global Youth Awards 2018


Are you a young person doing extraordinary things in education, empowerment or for the environment? We are running our Global Youth Awards 2018 in six different countries this year and including a One Global Youth Award online that can be entered by any young person in the world!

The online form is live on the website, free to enter, only takes a few minutes to complete and could be the start of an exciting new adventure! So what are you waiting for?! https://www.roundtable.global/global-youth-awards-2018


global youth awards