Co-Founder Denis Murphy becomes Fellow of Royal Society for the Arts

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We are excited to announce that RoundTable Global Founding Partner Denis Murphy has been nominated and recognised as a fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. The RoundTable team will be supporting the RSA on a number of global initiatives through 2018. More details to follow...

Launching Stem Cell Thinking®

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This exciting new methodology from RoundTable Global will take you on a journey to reimagine everything from a place of indefinite possibility without the constraints of current thinking and reality. We believe that to imagine, create and innovate leadership action that will truly change the world, we have to be able to be free to think of the future without the limits and labels of today. More details here STEM CELL THINKING®

More fantastic feedback from Shine

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Beautiful feedback for Co-founder Tiffany 'Since I attended the course, I feel that I am born again, I feel like a I’m a new diary, filled with white pages, and writing all my life events using a white pin, not to darken the pages with the black ink. I began to see the life and everyday situations from another perspective. I become more aware of the beauty around me. My life has become happier and more positive. I no longer have any bad or negative thinking, I deleted the negative and bad words from my dictionary. I started to see everything in my life from another angle or perspective and I look for the good things that I may get from any situation. I become more powerful, more confident, more contented & happier. My words do not describe the life I live now. Your course was the reason to change my life for better, so thankful.' This is why we love what we do!